Data-Oriented Programming (DOP)

JSON is arguably the world's most popular human readable data format today.  It has largely replaced XML as the data exchange format on the Internet. One of the key reasons for the proliferation of JSON is its simplicity.  The data structure are very limited: only arrays, enclosed with []; and objects …

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Machine Learning That Matters

I happen to come across this excellent article from this year's ICML on Machine Learning that Matters. I encourage everyone, especially computer science Ph.D students, to read it.

As an industrial researcher who draws a lot of job satisfaction by making both scientific and practical impact, I completely agree …

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Cat Photography with iPhone 4s

It has been a while since Yunyao got her iPhone 4s, which is known for its "superb" camera --- "8MP camera with all-new optics also shoots 1080p HD video". 8MP on a cell phone sounds really impressive, does it? Maybe she finally can leave her big heavy Pentax for a while …

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Are you Han? My paternal ancestry - Hypothesis

I was brought up as a Han Chinese and I myself have never doubted that identity.  However, I do know that I look slightly different from people around me when I grew up. Darker skin, slightly curly hairs, deeper set eyes and other distinctive facial features. Put it simply, my …

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Review for "Virtual Cat Toys HD Catnip Collection"

As many of friends, I recently acquired a HP Touchpad largely due to its low price. I don't really need a tablet, as I am sitting in front of computes almost all the time. My original plan was to turn it into an interactive cat toy, at least sometimes, so …

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Netflix Is Splitting Into Two!?

It has turned out that Netflix has abandoned the plan, finally.

When Huahai told me the news late last night that Netflix is splitting into two, my first reaction was that he must be reading from Onion! After all, based all what have learned from the business school classes and …

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3 Time-Saving Tools for Busy Professionals

As a busy professional, I am consistently looking for ways to save time. Below are 3 time-saving tools that I have found most useful.

1. Chore Buster

With two busy professionals in the same household, dividing chores around the house can be tricky. Dividing chores in a fixed way is …

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How to save millions per year for your newspaper?

Dear CEO of XXX News:

I am writing in regard to an automatic news article writer (NAW) that can ** **save your company millions of dolloar per year (see appendix below for peudo code). The basic idea of NAW is to be able to automatically generate news articles with comparable quality …

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Interesting Comments on The Election From New York Times

I found that comments on the news for the election are often much more entertaining than the news acticles themslves. For the next few months, I will keep on updating this blog entry with comments that I found interesting, regardless whether I agree with the comments themselves or not.


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