How to Add a Preview Link to Self-hosted Netlify CMS

If you are using a self-hosted Netlify CMS as the online editor for your SSG powered Website and you are using the editorial workflow (you have publish_mode: editorial_workflow in your config.yml), a pain point is that you do not see a preview of the live page when the page …

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Migrate this blog from Drupal to a static site generator

This blog has undergone a few migrations over its 15 years life span.

It started out as a Blogger account in 2005. The purpose was to record some system administration details when I was an assistant professor at university, setting up my laboratry for students.

Then Yunyao joined in after …

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Migrate DokuWiki to another server

DokuWiki is one of the most easy-to-use open source Wiki software. It is a very good internal documentation tool for small or medium sized organizations.

Comparing with using Google Docs for the same purpose, one advantage of using a Wiki is that it is more searchable and navigable. In addition …

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Backup Discourse with External PostgreSQL Server

Discourse is a modern forum software that is quite popular in the technology circle. One can install a Discourse server easily with the recommended method of using docker. All the services needed by the Discourse server, e.g. Postgresql and Redis, will be running inside a docker container, which is …

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Configure Jenkins to use FreeIPA LDAP Security Realm

The point of setting up freeIPA for an intranet is to enable single-sign-on (SSO) for all the internal services that requires authentication and authorization. LDAP, originated from my alma mater University of Michigan, is one of the most widely accepted solutions to the problem. freeIPA can serve as a LDAP …

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FreeIPA in AWS EC2

FreeIPA is the open source version of RedHat's identity management solution, which nicely integrates several open sources services that are important for managing an intranet: 389 LDAP Directory Server, MIT Kerboros, NTP, DNS, SSSD and others. 

Most of my servers are virtual machines in AWS EC2. To manage such a …

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Display LaTeX Math on Drupal with MathJax

MathJax seems to be the emerging standard for displaying math on the Web at this moment. It is supported by American Mathematical Society and American Physical Society, and has already been adopted by major math related discussion venues such as Physics Forums and Stack Exchange. MathJax displays math using CSS …

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Upgrade Drupal with Almost Zero Down Time

This site was setup in 2007 with Drupal 5, and it has not been upgraded until today. I did not feel the need to upgrade since this is just a personal blog. A few days ago I wanted to install a module, but Drupal version 6 is required, so I …

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Fix Drupal Search

Today I tried to search "clojure" using the search box at the top right corner, but could not find anything. I know I wrote a few posts on Clojure recently, so there must be something wrong with the search functionality here. This is a Drupal site, and this should be …

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"Centralized authentication with LDAP + NFS + Samba (Part II: NFS)"

NFS (Network File System) is an old Unix technology that enables a machine to mount a remote file system. This is desirable for centralized authentication, as the user can access the same home directory no matter which machine he uses.


Install NFS server:

apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

Edit /etc/exports …

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