"Compiz-Fusion on KDE"

Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see people multi-tasking with a dozen of windows open. With an 12 inch small screen, Thinkpad X61 really needs an efficient window manager for me to get serious work done. I have been struggling to find a good choice. Of course, 3D desktop …

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A Thinkpad X61 Hotkeys Solution on Debian Linux

On my old Thinkpad X31, there is a nice little program called tpb that makes all Thinkpad hotkeys work on Linux. However, that project hasn't been updated for two years, and tpb does not work with the newer Thinkpad models. On my new X61, notably, the sound volume controls are …

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Use XRandR 1.2 to Swtich on External Display for Thinkpad Laptop

Thinkpad X61 has an VGA output port, so it supports dual-head display. However, with the Intel GMA965 graphics chipset in X61, the thinkpad_acpi (used to be called ibm_acpi) kernel module does not seem to support switching on or off this VGA port any more. The traditionally used commands, such as …

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Install MEPIS Linux on X61

I got a brand new Thinkpad X61 laptop last Saturday. Unfortunately, the factory loaded Vista Home Basic was too bloated and ate up 700MB memory from a fresh boot without launching any application! If you know me, you know what I will do - remove Windows and load up Linux!

The …

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Posting blog entry to Drupal from within Vim

Some people may wonder why would anyone want to do this? Well, there are at least two benefits.

One, I can write posts offline with my favorite editor, whenever I feel like it. Then post them from within vim once I got an Internet connection.

Two, I get to use …

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Putty as a Chinese Telnet client

How to display Chinese characters correctly on a Telnet client running on a non-Chinese version of Windows machine? Web browsers today support whatever character encodings, this is not so with Telnet client. If you make a Telnet connection to a Chinese server with Windows telnet client, you will most likely …

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Dual Head with Xorg on Thinkpad X31

My Thinkpad X31 got a small 12.1 inch screen, so I decide to increase the screen real estate by adding an extra monitor. The idea is that the LCD and the CRT monitor will display different part of the same desktop. This dual head solution is sometimes called 'Xinerama' …

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LCD and X DisplaySize

Under Linux, have you ever felt that stuff on your brand new LCD display looked blurry, especially with small font sizes, the words start to look fuzzy after a while? Chances are that you did not set the LCD with its optimal resolution. There is an easy fix:

  1. Measure the …

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"Centralized authentication with LDAP + NFS + Samba (Part II: NFS)"

NFS (Network File System) is an old Unix technology that enables a machine to mount a remote file system. This is desirable for centralized authentication, as the user can access the same home directory no matter which machine he uses.


Install NFS server:

apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

Edit /etc/exports …

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JBuilder "could not reserve enough space for object heap"

I have been using Borland programming environment since 1994, beginning with its Turbo C 2.0, then Borland C++, and now JBuilder. This company has always produced programmer friendly products. Comparing with other products, Borland's offering are always the most natural, and the easiest to get the job done. At …

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