Config Spring and DWR on Jetty with zero XML

I hate xml configuation files. They look awful. As a result, they can be very time-consuming to write, and are very error-prone. There's no type-safty checking whatsoever. I would rather keep configurations within my Java source code. After all, we programmers are the only people looking at these configurations, why …

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Tails & No Tales Cat Show

This is the first time we have even been to a cat show. We have enjoyed it a lot!

The show cats are all very tidy and cute. Too bad that spectaculors like me cannot touch or pet any of them. :(

But I still love my kitties adopted from shelter …

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Thanksgiving Dinner

I have been waiting to try the Tofurkey for a few weeks ever since I saw the ad from Trader Joe about it. So I finally tried out on Thanksgiving.

This is what Tofurkey looks like out of the box. Then I cooked it in the oven. It tastes better …

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"Finding happiness: a cat's story"

Long long time ago, there's a prince named Thomas. He's a handsome boy, but often sad, because he's parents passed away when he's very young.

很久很久以前,有一个年轻英俊的王子叫作唐唐。他名如其人 …

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How to save millions per year for your newspaper?

Dear CEO of XXX News:

I am writing in regard to an automatic news article writer (NAW) that can ** **save your company millions of dolloar per year (see appendix below for peudo code). The basic idea of NAW is to be able to automatically generate news articles with comparable quality …

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Suspending to RAM on Debian laptop

I am tracking Debian sid on my Thinkpad laptop, a few months ago it started to use pm-utils and broke suspending to RAM (sleep) functionality. Basically, the machine would go to sleep then immediately resume.
It turned out that this problem can be easily fixed by creating a file /etc …

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an interesting birthday gift


Huahai has received his birthday gift from Yunyao, a few days early.

What's inside?

Wow, a scenic flight certificate, what a lovely gift! Thank you, babe.

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Create Multiple Modules Maven Project in Eclipse

Modularized software system design is often a good idea. Maven is the new software build system that is purported to be better than ant. For my new project, I want to create a maven build consisting of multiple modules. To do this, and let Eclipse treats these modules as parts …

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Chrismas Vacation --- Mexico Riviera Cruise (Draft)

Place Holder for now.



Lunch with Junwen

Boarding at San Diego Port


First Dinner

Debarkation Celebration

Raffle at many places (of course we did not win any of them)


Men's golf tournament (27 vs. 25)

Table tennis

Hairy Chest Contest

First Formal …

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Java time resolution

I am writing a Java program to run psychology experiments. Since this is a generic program that may be configured for running some reaction time (RT) experiments, I am worried about the time resolution of Java. It turns out that I don't need to worry too much, except on Windows …

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Interesting Comments on The Election From New York Times

I found that comments on the news for the election are often much more entertaining than the news acticles themslves. For the next few months, I will keep on updating this blog entry with comments that I found interesting, regardless whether I agree with the comments themselves or not.


02 …

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"txt2tags: a Lightweight Document Authoring Format"


Fresh ideas often pop up when one is not working, e.g. while in shower or in bed. When that happens, one needs to jot them down fast. Of course, a piece of paper and a pen is still the best solution in term of speed. However, if a computer …

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