"Finding happiness: a cat's story"

Long long time ago, there's a prince named Thomas. He's a handsome boy, but often sad, because he's parents passed away when he's very young.

很久很久以前,有一个年轻英俊的王子叫作唐唐。他名如其人 …

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I love Waffle

Unlike most cats, Mayori's favorite food is not tuna or chicken. She loves waffle. She would jump up and down when I eat waffle until she gets a piece of it. Tom sometimes got slaped by Mayori because she thought he would rob her waffle. 😛

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Earth Quake

At 8:03pm, the kittens were feed with their main course (dry food) and dessert (can food and egg). I just finished cooking my own dinner, put the serving tray with my dinner to the coffee table, and was about to enjoy my meal while chatting with Huahai on my …

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